Dit apparaat is er speciaal voor:
werkt met inductie.
Seiko NL heeft hem niet meer.
Op www.orbita.ch vind je dit, helaas geen toerental, maar 500 moet goed zijn. Richting maakt niet uit:
Kinetic: Kinetic* See Below
Kinetic Auto Relay* See Below
Kinetic Perpet;ual* See Below
*Per Technical Customer Service at Seiko USA, Kinetic movements could wind on a winder as the movement of the oscillated weight charges the capacitor. The movement should hold a charge for up to 6 months though, so a winder probably wouldn’t be needed. A fully charged Kinetic Auto Relay movement should hold time for up to 4 years when not worn so a winder probably is not needed.
Mechanical Automatic: 4S Series** Both 650-950
5606** Both 650-950
6601** Both 650-950
6119** Both 650-950
6S Series*** CW*** 650-900
7625E** Both 500-950
7S Series** Both 500-950
8L Series** Both 650-950
9S Series** Both 650-950
**Per Technical Customer Service at Sekio USA, Seiko Mechanical Automatic movements should wind on a winder. They have a bi-directional wind (wind Both Ways, CW, or CCW) , a 36-48 hour power reserve, and probably require 500-700 TPD. We suggest you start at 500 TPD and then increase the winding time until you find the correct setting for your watch.
***Note: Some customers have said these movements wind CW 800-900. We do not know if they have tried the other settings (Both, CCW).
Please contact susan@orbita.net when you determine the correct setting for your Mechanical Automatic watch as we would like confirmation of the above. Thank you.
Spring Drives 5R64**** Both 500-950
**** Per Technical Customer Service at Seiko USA, Spring Drive movements should wind on a winder. They have a bi-directional wind (wind Both Ways, CW, or CCW) and should require minimum winding time, probably 500 TPD, as they have a 48 hour power reserve. We suggest you start at 500 TPD and then increase the winding time until you find the correct setting for your watch.
Please contact susan@orbita.net when you determine the correct setting for your Spring Drive watch as we would like confirmation of the above. Thank you.
Seiko 5 Sports: SNZ 7S26 or 7S36** Both 650-950
Seiko Automatic Divers: SKX 7S26** Both 500-950
Seiko Credors 6S Series*** CW 650-950
Seiko Flightmaster: SBD 5001 6S37*** CW 650-950
Seiko Kinetic: SKA, SKH See Kinetic Box Above
Seiko Kinetic Auto Relay: SMA See Kinetic Box Above
Seiko Perpetual: SNP See Kinetic Box Above
Seiko Landmaster 8L35 Both 500-950
Seiko Marinemaster 8L35* Both 500-950